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F I N D  B A L A N C E

on the mat, find balance in life 

We arrive on the  mat with many different hopes and aspirations many different expectations and goals. One thing we do all notice however, is the sense of spaciousness and calm that appears over time. This is a welcomed and often unexpected symptom of the practice. When we understand this powerful connection between the body and mind, there is no stopping us and the path of wakening is laid before us.
O n e s p a c e 

Onespace is a beautiful yoga shala (home) and community of yogis based on the suffolk/Essed anx border in the picturesque town of Manningtree. Onespace is a friendly learning space for everyone regardless of age, gender, beliefs and ability. We are completely non exclusive and are committed to everyone in equal measures.

The studio is perfectly set up with all necessary equipment so all you have to do is turn up. Classes are small and reach up to fourteen students but avarage at around ten. With the studio being small  you receive unique attention and support that would otherwise be over looked. Onespace is an intimate learning space. You're specific needs are met with expertise from teacher/practitioners who are devoted and governed by their love of yoga and its life changing, healing qualities.

A variety of yoga practices have been mindfully put together which creates a refreshing schedule, tailored to suit all levels of experience and requirements such as: Ashtanga Yoga, Gentle Flow, Pilates, Chakra Harmonising, Restorative, Yin Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation.
Onespace also enjoys hosting the occasional Retreat weekends or workshops with visiting guests from all over the world through out the year.
A warm and friendly team of experienced professionals, are there to greet you on arrival and guide you overstep of the way. This is a relaxed and genuine community where you are given the opportunity to study and practice yoga with like minded friends.

M e e t  J o  B e t t s

Jo has been practicing Yoga for over 25 years,
and teaching for 15 years. Training extensively in India with her teacher Rolf Naujokat since 2012. She has taught yoga with students from all over the world. During lock down 2020 in a burst of inspiration Jo opened up Onespace Yoga Studio which was another mile stone in her career and a personal dream come true. 

" Yoga is a gift I am eternally grateful to have in my life."

Jo's journey so far......

I stumbled across yoga in my late teens. Unemployed and in-between studies i felt lost and was searching for some sort of direction. I discovered yoga in a rather strange way. For as long as i can remember i was always naturally drawn to the mystical. It wasn't unusual for me to consult my pendulum in decision making. Whilst standing at the entrance of a large library I asked the pendulum to swing in the direction of the ' mind body & soul ' section. I followed its movements and stood infront of the books. Disappointment, i found myself gazing at the ' ' Cookery ' section.


However, around the other side of the bookcase and there clearly labelled in-front of me was the section i was looking for!  The first book that caught my attention was ' The Yoga Book ' by Maxine Tobias and Mary Stewart. This was a hugely significant find and it was in those moments the course of my life had found direction.

I remember feeling absolutely astonished that yoga offered me everything i was looking for, all in one package. Which was a physical practice. I already understood the benefits of connecting the body with the mind as i loved to dance and i was also a keen gymnast at school. Moving my body mindfully was a life saver, it was medicine. I also craved spiritual guidance and a practice that would support my inquisitive mind regarding the bigger questions that life can bring to surface.


My exploration of yoga began with a towel on the floor a timer and ' The Yoga Book ', I studied the postures attentively and meticulously. I immediately felt the benefits and it was love at first breath. Yoga also enhanced my interested in Taoism and i began to sit with silence and in nature as much as possible.

A couple of years passed and i arrived at a London art school to study fine art as a painter. It was at around this time i entered my first Yoga class, i was 22years old. I loved the practice as much as i needed it. I did as much as i could as often as time and money would allow.

I practiced anything that was available to me at the time, Iyengar, Vinyasa Flow, Yin, restorative, Hatha and Bikram. It  was really when i came into contact with Ashtanga yoga that my practice took a turn and i developed a more serious and self disciplined practice. The set sequence and regular daily practice that ashtanga Yoga offers was where i recognised the long term benefits.

In 2009 i gained my formal 250hr yoga teacher training at The Life Centre in London.I have continued to train and teach with many, inspirational teachers internationally through out my career.


The most extensive training i have experienced is with one of Ashtanga Yoga's finest and recognised worldwide teachers Rolf Naujokat in Goa, India. He has always been the guiding light and main source of my inspiration as a self practitioner/student  and as a guide for others. Rolf has shared his incredible knowledge of pranayama practices and meditations over the years as well as a robust knowledge of yoga anatomy and asana practice. His wife Marci has also been a huge influence who has shared so much of her insight and knowledge of the physical and subtle aspects of the body. Having practiced with them since 2012, i am eternally grateful.

I live with in suffolk with my husband John who is a successful sculptor and yoga student himself along with our daughter Isla who is blooming steadily into a yogi herself. We have three lovely dogs Ruby, Reggie and Archie who show no signs of interest as yet . 

O N E S P A C E  

Y O G A  

Unit 8
Jubilee End
CO11 1UR

And So, The Journey Begins... 

Jo betts : 07757 784080

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