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There is an unlimited and abundant source of energy waiting for you to tap into. You are a master creator, an energy force field with a divine purpose in life. You are a magnificent spark of infinite potential. Everything is yours... step into your power and begin the journey of self discovery and self mastery.​
I am here to help you discover or reclaim what's already yours.

Every student arrives on the mat with personal baggage, aims, motivations and aspirations. Together we uncover what it is you wish to explore and achieve. 

I offer practical, emotional and spiritual 121 support which consist of techniques and a variety of lessons that will encourage you to tapp into your unique, natural gifts.

P r i v a t e   t u i t i o n  
Personalised Support & Guidance For You
Some of you will be looking to deepen their physical discipline of yoga.

Or perhaps you are interested in learning how to meditate, unwind & destress

You are drawn towards understanding and sharing more about your 'true' self and your feelings. Questions rise up and out of us, when we embark upon a healing journey.

You could be new to yoga and would like to get a feel for the basics before entering a class setting.

You might be recovering from an injury and would like unique, personal attention.

You could be struggling with a specific personal problem or issue (emotional, spiritual, mental or physical) which requires specific concentrated attention and support. 

Why seek private tuition & guidance?
What do i offer ? and how do we get started ?

To begin....i offer you a free consultation to discuss a suitable plan of action that we are both happy with. This is usually done by phone or in person. Having gathered some information I can then collate a set of sessions especially for you, based around your interests and goals.

YOGA                                                                                                                                                                            Asana postures and sequencing​
PRANAYAMA & MEDITATION                                                                                                                               Breath practices regulate the nervous system bring vitality (prana) into the physical and energetic bodies.​ Meditation Practice cultivates a peaceful, centred and calm approach to living. 
INNER GUIDENCE                                                                                                                                                   Higher self, intuition, dicernment. ego and Shadow work.
PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT                                                                                                                             Taking responsibility, surrender, forgiveness & Radical self love.
SELF TALK                                                                                                                                                       Affirmations, Book of Shadows, Journaling & record keeping. 
THE ART OF RITUAL                                                                                                                                             Sacred space holding for yourself. Create a sacred space for ritual. Practice is ritual. Crafting (Incenses, elemental gifts & tools.
REIKI                                                                                                                                                                       Healing, sound frequency & affirmation
ASTRAL PROJECTION & LUCID DREAMING                                   

S e l f    S t u d y    a r e a

YOGA                                                                                    Asana postures and sequencing​, restorative, Hatha or Astanga Yoga

PRANAYAMA & MEDITATION                                       Breath practices regulate the nervous system bring vitality (prana) into the physical and energetic bodies.​ Meditation Practice cultivates a peaceful, centred and calm approach to living. 
INNER GUIDENCE                                                           Higher self, intuition, discernment. ego

PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT                                       Taking responsibility, surrender, forgiveness & Radical self love. Reclaiming power.
SELF TALK                                                                           Affirmations, Book of Shadows, Journaling & record keeping. 
THE ART OF RITUAL                                                       Sacred space holding. Create a sacred space for practice. Crafting (elemental gifts & tools) Cleansing, cord cutting, manifesting results.

REIKI                                                                                     Healing, sound frequency & affirmation

Triggers, pathways, patterns & addiction.
Cord cutting.      

AWAKENING - (Waking up)
Symptoms, signs, self care and support                      


P l e a s e  C o n t a c t
Jo to book your private 121 session or discuss a course of sessions.
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